Nilüfer Pınar Kılıç, PhD.
Nilüfer Pınar Kılıç graduated from Gazi University, Department of Business Administration in 2007. Then, she worked in a public institution for 5 years. In 2012, when she started working at the Public Relations and Publicity Department of the Faculty of Communication in Ankara University, she completed her master’s degree at which she analyzed the public relations practices of non-governmental organizations. She completed his doctoral degree in 2018 by writing her thesis named “Facebook Usage Practices of Elderly People with Kemalist Orientation in the Context of Populism Discussions”. She is still an academic staff at Ankara University, Faculty of Communication.
- Kilic, N. P. (2019, Mayıs). “Bourdieusian Approach to the New Communication Technologies” The Future of Work in the Post-Digital Age Conference, Techno-Humanities Lab Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, Warsaw/Poland.
- Kilic, N. P. (2018, November). “Distinction on Facebook,” 5th International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, The Center of Research and Communication for Peace (CRCP), TRNC.
- Kilic, N.P. and Artan-Ozoran, B. (2018, March). “From Virtual Cemetery to Mytrustedwill: The Changing Face of the Death,” The Role of Communication in a Transforming World International Symposium, Nicosia, TRNC, (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N.P. (2015, September) “News Related to Older People in the Press and Reproduced Stereotypes,” 2nd International Congress on Different Dimensions of Violence and Social Perception, Istanbul, Turkey. (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N. P. (2013, June) “Fight Against the Economic Crisis: Communication Samples in Turkey” IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communications Research) Conference, Dublin, Ireland, (The overall theme of the 2013 IAMCR conference was “Crises, Creative Destruction and The Global Power and Communication Orders).
- Kilic, N. P. ve Dikmen, E. S. (2020, December).“A Review of Educational Curriculums: Ethics and New Media in Public Relations Education”, 2nd From Traditional to Digital, International Media Research Symposium (IMS2020), Ege University-Communication Faculty, İzmir/Turkey (Online conference – Full text presentation).
- Kilic, N. P., Aktas, M. and Artan-Ozoran B. (2020, November).“A Study on Curriculums: Current Trends in International Public Relations Education”, New Times and Public Relations Conference, Ege University Communication Faculty and A&B Communication, Izmir/Turkey (Online Conference – Summarized presentation).
- Kilic, N. P. (2018, April). “Augmented Reality Practices in Public Relations,” New Times and Public Relations Conference, Ankara University-Faculty of Communication, Ankara, Turkey, (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N. P. (2016, November) “Individual Ageism in Health,” 2nd Health Communication Symposium, Eskişehir, Turkey, (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N. P. and Dikmen, E. S. (2021). Digital Municipalism: New Media Use of Municipalities in Turkey. Journal of Erciyes Communication, 8(2), 795-811. DOI: 10.17680/erciyesiletisim.896129
- Kilic, N. P., Ozdemir, B. P., Gencturk Hizal, S. & Aktas, M. (2021). A Qualitative Study On The Communicative Needs, Expectations And Experiences During Covid-19 Pandemic: 65 Years And Over Ankara Sample. Connectist: Istanbul University Journal of Communication Sciences, (60), 127-155. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/connectist/issue/64177/863315
- Kilic, N. P. (2020). Reconstruction of Memory in Digital Games: the Case of Nusrat. Hacettepe University Faculty of Communication Journal Of Cultural Studies, 7(2), 265-286. DOI: 10.17572/mj2020.2.265286
- Kilic, N. P. & Yildirim, İ. E. (2020). Is She Just Bernays’s Wife? Doris E. Fleischman, One of the Women’s Precursors of Public Relations. Manisa Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 2020; 18 (Armağan Sayısı); 311-324. DOI: 10.18026/cbayarsos.681305
- Kilic, N. P. (2019). “Us-Them” Distinction of Individuals Outside the “Nation”: An Evaluation on the Facebook Usage Practices of Elderly with Kemalist Orientation. Culture and Communication Journal, 22(43), 71-104. ISSN: 1301-7241.
- Kilic, N. P. (2018). “Intergenerational Communication: University Students Communication Forms with Aged People,” The Journal of International Social Research, 2018, 11(55), pp. 849-860. ISSN: 1307-9581 (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N. P. (2017) “Possibilities and Limitations of Augmented Reality Practices in Public Relations,” Journal of Communication Studies, (Accepted, published in September 2018).
- Kilic, N. P. (2017, June) “Individual Ageism in Health,” Online Journal of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Anadolu University/eKurgu, 25(3): 53-77 (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic N. P. (2014, December). “Automobile Advertisement in the Culture of the New Capitalism: The Case of the Advertisements of Audi and Skoda”, Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication, Vol: 22, pp. 107-129, ISSN: 1304 3846 (Original in Turkish).
- Becerikli, S. and Kilic N. P. (2012). “Public Relations Practices in Central and Eastern Europe: Romanian Sample”, Journal of Ankyra: Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 3(2), pp. 89-112. DOI: 10.1501/sbeder_0000000047 (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N. P. (2021). Precaution or Stigma?: Older Adults in the Turkish National Press During COVID-19 Pandemic. In G. Sarı (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Representing Health and Medicine in Modern Media (pp. 492-508). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-6825-5.ch030
- Dikmen, E. S., Kilic, N. P. and Ozdora-Aksak, E. (2020). “The Example of Youtube Page of the Health Ministry of Turkish Republic: Online Sharing Platforms of Public Service Broadcasts During the Pandemic“, in A Research on Pandemic Covid-19 Through the Perspective of A Social Scientist, in Practices and Discussions, Erhan Eroglu and Figen Unal-Colak (eds.). Konya: Literatürk Academia. ISBN:978-605-70091-9-7.
- Becerikli, S. & Kilic N. P. (2014). “The Elderly and Technology Use: A Review through Studies in the Literature,” in Yeni Medya Pratikler Olanaklar, Emel Basturk Akca (Ed.), Kocaeli: Umuttepe Publ. 2014, pp. 45-58 (Original in Turkish).
- Kilic, N. P. (2014) “Conference Review: LaborComm 2014 International Labor and Communication Conference” (Event Review), Culture & Communication, 17(2), pp. 211-218. (Original in Turkish).
Kilic, N. P. (2010). “Book Review: Using Public Relations Strategies to Promote Your Nonprofit Organization,” Journal of Communication Studies, 8(1), pp. 135-141.