- One Health Approach for a Green University (SELENE)
Objectives of SELENE
SELENE will be a transnational and interdisciplinary University alliance, created by European universities from different European geographical regions which by sharing infrastructures and resources will conduct long-term education and research in agriculture, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, food science, biotechnology, social sciences, as well as climate and environmental protection based on assumptions of the European Green Deal and the One Health (OH). The combination of the fundamentals of these two policies distinguishes SELENE from other European University alliances. The principal objectives of SELENE will be to include elements of sustainable agriculture and OH approach in education curricula, elevate the quality of learning, develop transferable skills and improve knowledge of cutting-edge world problems. Therefore, the primary task will be to improve digital teaching methods to equip our graduates with future-oriented competencies and boost their employability. SELENE will be a place where students, PhD students, and academic staff can develop and transfer the necessary knowledge related to green transformation and ‘farm to fork strategy’ to address social and civilizational challenges on the regional and national level global scale. SELENE will exert a long-term impact on agricultural practices, cultural heritage, and animal health, by elevating the quality of up-to-date education systems with a special emphasis on support for students with disabilities and a gender equality programme. The project comprises 8 WPs (Management, Teaching and education, Research and transfer of innovation, Digitalization on education and research, Society, third mission and environmental sustainability, Mobility and international cooperation, Communication and dissemination, and Quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation) which are focused on encouraging the common European values and strengths of different academic and educational traditions.
Strategy of SELENE University relates to five main pillars
The university educates students/staff with a strong position in the labour market, having knowledge, skills, and social competencies that fully meet the needs of the development of a precise and sustainable agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, food science, social sciences, biotechnology, and climate and environmental protection by:
- adapting the educational offer to the socio-economic needs, demographic changes, and environmental sustainability,
- development of interdisciplinary studies and distance or blended learning,
- improving the quality of education, including the development of skills, competencies, and technological innovations for the green transition,
- supporting international seamless mobilities of students, Ph.D. students, academic teachers, and external stakeholders,
- improving the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages,
- increasing sustainability competencies of educators and education leaders and supporting the planned approaches of the participating organizations regarding environmental sustainability,
- stimulating lifelong learning by encouraging students to learn thanks to interesting, innovative teaching methods, achieved through digital pedagogy and expertise in the use of digital tools for teachers, including accessible and assistive technologies and the creation and innovative use of digital education content,
- promoting gender equality and skillful use of the diversity of experiences to provide equal opportunities for all teachers and students,
- promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of civil initiative, especially in the field of modern agriculture and its impact on the environment,
strengthening the employability of young people through strengthening young people’s key competencies and basic skills
The university as a leading research unit conducting transdisciplinary open science and open data research (comprising the following disciplines: agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine, animal science, food science, social and environmental sciences), developing knowledge and implementing knowledge-based solutions by:
- increasing the world position and level of research in the above-mentioned disciplines,
- development of research related to the green transition, climate neutrality, and protection of plant and animal biodiversity,
- supporting scientists in building transnational and interdisciplinary research teams, especially in priority areas for the University,
- developing skills and competencies and promoting innovations for the digital transition, using modern methodologies such as agile and lean,
- supporting research concerning cultural heritage and cultural diversity,
- skillful use of earlier experiences of scientists achieved by participation in the EU scientific projects to create new ideas focused on the agriculture model transformation into fully sustainable.
The university to be recognized in the European Higher Education Area, with a strong international position, conducting activities corresponding to global challenges in cooperation with recognized foreign research centres, achieved by:
- involvement of the university in transnational projects, including Horizon Europe,
- strengthen the level of internationalization of the education process by creating a new joint field of studies, summer schools, special courses with partner Universities,
- increasing the mobility of students, Ph.D. students, and academics as part of international exchange programs,
- elevation of the number of job shadowing and training activities for staff under international cooperation between partners of the project,
- creating a joint taskforce and offer for SELENE University promotion,
- fostering mobility beyond European boundaries.
The higher education institution to be recognized as a university and social partner that plays a key role in Europe solving current economic and civilization challenges, by:
- involvement in the activities of organisations and institutions of public life,
- promoting solutions for sustainable development and environmental protection,
- active participation in response to the civilisation challenges worldwide,
- strengthening European identity and promoting common European values through interculturalism and multilingualism.
- inclusiveness and Gender Equality.
- the university with an effective structure for the management and service of teaching and research:
- setting up 11 joint structures (offices) and decision-making boards.
- improving the principles of financial management based on information and management control,
- increasing the efficiency of using e-administration integrated tools in management,
- increasing the quality of digital communication in building the image of the University,
- development of a joint fundraising strategy based on members’ cooperation and synergies.
Joint Mission Statement
We live in a world of uncertainty. The climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, environmental pollution, stress, and civilization diseases of highly developed countries with the ongoing problems of hunger, lack of water, and soil degradation, mainly affecting developing countries. Due to human activity, the ecosystem suffers, animals are misused, and agriculture generates gigantic external costs. These dangerous phenomena threaten the health of the planet, soil, fauna, and flora, and the well-being and health of people.
Nowadays, food production and distribution contribute up to a third of global greenhouse gases emitted by human activity, while livestock production is responsible for about 60% of all emissions from agriculture, and half of these emissions come from ruminants. We need to reshape agriculture and the food system to produce healthy and sustainable food (i.e. with lower meat consumption and halving food loss and waste). Along with the undertaken efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change, as well as the global transition to sustainable food security and safety, biodiversity conservation and restoration is also a pressing and urgent problem of the present day.
Selene Project in Numbers
As an alliance, we want to create a space for the exchange of ideas, and mutual support in teaching and pursuing science, we also want to influence external stakeholders by providing them with knowledge and support in changing the approach to consumption, production, and institutional conditions. Finally, we want the internal stakeholders of the SELENE consortium to be able to enjoy a good quality of life and share the awareness of responsibility for the planet that lies with us. We also want to build a sense of community among our internal and external stakeholders through the internationalization of education, project cooperation and exchange, and the integration of all levels of activity of partner universities. In the world of rapid civilization changes, we want to implement good digital and technological solutions supporting the transfer of knowledge, skills, and competencies while building direct relationships; we want to emphasize the distinctiveness of cultures and natural conditions while strengthening the unity of European universities and their stakeholders. We are building an inclusive European University based on the values of non-discrimination, multiculturalism, and equality.
In our European University students (including Ph.D. students), academic teachers, and researchers from culturally different societies and academic centers, characterized by diverse cultural heritage, jointly develop competencies and solutions to keep Europe and our planet healthy and prosperous, especially by providing the European market healthy food. The war threats should now also be considered critical actions from the point of view of the entire population. From this perspective, the dynamically developed scientific cooperation of the consortium members is a strong point of the agreement because it will lead to the development of a new and/or protection of current agricultural approaches to preserve a healthy life in Europe.
mission strategy statement signature / Krakow - 2023
European University Alliances
Ankara University
Ankara University holds the distinction of being the Republic of Türkiye’s first university, formally established in 1946. This historical foundation contributes to its status as one of Turkiye’s most distinguished and enduring institutions of higher learning. The university boasts a rich diversity and versatility, showcased through its extensive infrastructure, which includes 19 well-established faculties that may be listed as Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Science, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Veterinary, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Political Science, Faculty of Divinity, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Language-History and Geography, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Faculty of Open and Distant Education.
Aeres University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
The AERES UAS, with 4,500 degree students in three faculties with 300 FTU in lecturing and ancillary staff, has 100% international student mobility and about 10% of international degree students in 33 certificates, bachelor and master programmes in English offered to both Dutch and international students. Its research is all applied and the 15 research groups focus on education, knowledge transfer, responsible food and food production, and systemic transition to meet climatic challenges and alleviate the urban-rural divide. Its faculties are located in smaller towns on the edge of the large urban sprawl that makes up the metropolitan west of The Netherlands.
The University of Agriculture in Krakow (UAK), Poland
Polytechnic Institute UniLaSalle (ULS; France)
South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (SWUAS; Germany)
With just over 11,000 students, the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (SWUAS) is one of the larger universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia. With departments in five different locations it has a strong presence in the South Westphalia region. At SWUAS, specialists and managers are trained in the areas of agriculture, food systems, natural sciences, business administration, pedagogic, engineering (mechanical engineering and electrical engineering) and computer science. The range of Bachelor and Master programs includes those that are aimed at full-time students as well as studying besides a job career or students who combine vocational training with studies.
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMV; Romania)
The University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) of Bucharest is the leading life sciences university in Romania. Established in 1852, USAMV of Bucharest has a rich history and a strong commitment to education, research, innovation and community.
Our mission is to shape the world into a better place by sharing, applying, and disseminating knowledge in agronomic and veterinary medicine fields. Thus, we align closely with the scope of the Alliance, focusing on sustainability, environmental conservation, and agricultural development.
The fields of study that USAMV covers are: Agronomy, Biology, Forestry, Horticulture, Animal Production Engineering and Management, Veterinary Medicine, Food Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Biotechnologies, Applied Engineering Sciences, Engineering and Management, Engineering and Management in Agriculture and Rural Development.
University of Forestry (UF; Bulgaria)
University of Messina (UNIME; Italy)
The University of Messina is in Sicily and enjoys a long tradition as a driving force in the Mediterranean area. UNIME was founded by the Jesuits in 1548 and despite its ancient origins, it is an university in continuous growth whose motto is “tradition and innovation at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea”.
UNIME is a modern university, acknowledging the centrality of the student. UNIME is engaged to be a driving force of innovation responding to the expectations of education and growth, both of its students and of the territory. A University that promotes free, plural, and quality of teaching and scientific research. The University promotes a wider vision to face the challenges that changing processes impose, in compliance with the principles of sustainability, a strong orientation towards innovation and internationalisation.
University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (UVMP; Slovakia)
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