Within the scope of the master’s class “ILT 648 Yeni Medya Çalışmaları” which was carried out at the Faculty of Communication in 2018-2019 educational year, we focused on generations and aging along with digital inequalities in Turkey, communication technologies, media and new media ecosystem with the researchers taking the class. The concept of digital divide in Turkey is required to be discussed in terms of digital inequality, and the features such as class, gender, etnicity, age, education, residence and area should be considered as the main determinants for constructing and using digital skills. On this basis, our study group aimed to study the skills on the usage of new media technologies and platforms and how they are used in the realm of intersectionality, and to expose the digital inequalities in aging generations’ everday lives and their intergenerational communication practices.
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mutlu Binark/ Hacettepe University, The Faculty of Communication, The Department of Information Technologies and Informatics.
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Arun/ Akdeniz University, The Faculty of Letters, The Department of Gerontology.
Coordinator of the Study Groups: Mehmet Fiğan/ Hacettepe University, The Faculty of Communication, Communication Sciences PhD Program.

- Aybüke İnal, Fatma Şeyma Çelebi
A Subculture between Youth and Old Age: The Example of “İhtiyar Delikanlılar Motosiklet Grubu” (En. “Motorcycle Group of Oldboys”)
- Ertan Ağaoğlu, Naz Önen, Pelin Tokatlı
Motivation of Individuals Aged 65 and Older for Participating in Technology Education, Conveying Digital Skills into Everday Life: The Example of “Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yaşlılar ve Gençler Bilgi Erişim Merkezi” (En. “Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Information Access Center)
• Ali Zain
Aging-friendly Smartphones: An Analysis of Design and User-Interface to Understand Smartphone ‘Usability’ for Elderly Citizens
- Murat Tavşan, Mehmet Fiğan
Digital Inequality and Cultural Identity: The Association Experiences of Old Kurds with Technology
• Enis Öztürk, Hüseyin Kısat
The Practices of New Media Devices’ Usage by Visually Impaired Seniors
As a part of the study group, a literature review on digital inequalities, aging, and generational experiences in Turkey and in the world has been compiled and analyzed by Enis Öztürk, Demet Fırat, Mehmet Fiğan, Naz Önen and Şule Karataş Özaydın. Some of the outstanding international articles and studies in relation with the foci of the literature review have also been translated to Turkish.